The Boulder City Hospital Foundation, a nonprofit organization supporting the Hospital, has determined this year’s event will not be held as scheduled in October. As stewards of the health and wellbeing of the community, together, the Foundation and the Hospital decided postponing this year’s event would be in the best interests of the artists, vendors and volunteers, and the community as a whole, to forgo this year’s event due to social distancing, safety concerns and the ongoing impact of COVID-19. Any funds paid by artists and vendors will be automatically rolled over toward next year’s event. We apologize for any inconvenience the postponing of this year’s event may cause but trust the public understands our commitment toward the health and wellbeing of the community and our hospital patrons.

Boulder City Hospital is a nonprofit hospital and the only Critical Access Hospital in Nevada that is not supported by taxes, mining proceeds or a larger corporate partner and relies on the fundraising efforts of the Foundation to support our mission serving the health and wellbeing of the residents of Boulder City and the surrounding valley as well as visitors to our area. Annually, the Foundation provides approximately $500,000 to Boulder City Hospital which is used for medical equipment and supplies and we appreciate the Foundation’s efforts and the impact of their commitment for our community hospital, ER and primary clinic.

The Foundation will soon be releasing an annual appeal on behalf of Boulder City Hospital and our collective hope is that the community will once again rally their giving support and make a donation to the nonprofit Boulder City Hospital Foundation.

Events are being planned for later this year and 2021 with a keen eye on COVID-19 developments and we look forward to once again enjoying Art in the Park next year as well as future outdoor entertainment and sporting events.