Monday • November 23rd • 9am to 1pm • Hospital Front Parking Lot

Stay Healthy Get your flu shot

A Message from Boulder City Hospital CEO Tom Maher


Dear Community Members,

Boulder City Hospital is committed to ensuring health equity and access for all who
seek medical attention at our community hospital.

As you know, our community is experiencing an increase in cases of COVID-19, and the
coronavirus pandemic is meeting the flu season head on. I am reaching out to you
today to ask that you take precautions to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and

Wear a mask in public or when you are around other people, wash your hands often, avoid large gatherings
and be sure to get vaccinated for the traditional flu viruses.

We’re here for you when you need us. Take advantage of our upcoming drive thru flu shot clinic on Monday,
November 23, from 9am to 1 pm in our front parking lot.

Our priority is you,


Wash Hands Often Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth. Cover coughs and sneezes, use hand sanitizer

Boulder City Hospital will be offering free flu shots on Monday, November 23.

If you can help us cover the costs, a $20 donation is appreciated, however, no one will be turned away.

Boulder City Hospital • 901 Adams Boulevard • Boulder City, Nevada 89005

(702) 293-4111 •