This year, National Rehabilitation Awareness Week will be celebrated the week of September 16th – 22nd!

What does rehabilitation mean to you?  Rehabilitation is a medical specialty which helps restore people to good health who have been affected by potentially disabling disease or traumatic injury.  At Boulder City Hospital, our rehabilitation team consists of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists.  Although each therapy has a different focus, there is a unified goal of helping each person achieve their highest level of independence.

Physical Therapy focuses on walking, balance, strength and gross motor tasks. Occupational Therapy focuses on every day activities such as dressing, bathing and fine motor skills.  Speech Therapy focuses on improving a person’s ability to communicate, as well as addressing swallowing and feeding issues.  The goal of Boulder City Hospital’s Department of Rehabilitation Services is to help patients find strength and rediscover independence during a challenging time.

Boulder City Hospital offers both Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation programs.  Contact your physician if you feel you would benefit from therapy services.  BCH Department of Rehabilitation Services can be reached directly by calling (702) 698-8333 or by faxing (702) 294-5749.  Medicare and Medicaid are accepted.  Most commercial insurance plans are accepted.